来自作者:My name is Geoff Luo, I am a 3rd-year student at UBC. I am majoring in history and pursuing to become a teacher. My hobbies include playing badminton and travelling. 我叫罗卿源,今年在UBC上大三。我的专业是历史,以后希望可以当一位老师。我最喜欢打羽毛球和出去旅游。
When the Autumn Rain Flows
When I was small, my mother would read me a bedtime story every night. As she read each word, she would also show me the child-like drawings that came with the book. What were these drawings of? There was a bright sun hanging in the sky, smiling at the people below. After a happy day of playing, it was time they all went home to sleep. The Sun was also very tired, so he slowly drifts back to his house beyond the mountains. When the beautiful sky darkened, the moon and stars came out and illuminated the night sky. The little me back then had wished to grow up soon, so that one day I can learn the Chinese characters and read to my mother too.
My name is Luo Qing Yuan, and I was born in the city of Kunming. When I was small, I was very playful and full of energy. I hated going to school. Whenever we had class, I would secretly be playing Pokémon with my friends. After class, I would immediately run home, and play with my two cousins in the neighbourhood until dusk comes. Back then I loved going to the park with my grandpa and grandma. Kunming’s weather was always really nice, and the scenery was just beautiful. During the summer, there would be a gentle shower would come by and leave the park with a field full of lush green grass. During this time, a lot of events would open up in the park, such as roller coasters, and even a very exciting zoo. We would spend all morning paddling a little boat on the late and the afternoon feeding the birds. In my memory, those days would always be one of the best times of my life. However, one day, my parents told me that we will be moving, and it will be somewhere really far. It would be difficult to see my grandparents again.
I was six years old the day the plane landed in Vancouver. Our family came into a place we were unfamiliar with, and everyone spoke a different language. I remember my dad tried to teach me a little bit of English before. I used to love playing with toy cars, so he had a poster of a car in my room with the English spelling on it, but the Chinese reading for it was pronounced as “ka”, like how you would say “card” in Chinese. When I tried to tell people what my favourite toy was, none of them could understand me. Since I did not know English, it was difficult making friends at school, and there was some discrimination. One time, someone pushed me when we were lining up, and I pushed them back, but the teacher only saw me. I wasn’t able to speak up for myself because I couldn’t speak English, so only I was sent to detention that day.
Afterwards, I worked really hard to learn English. I saw other kids playing with Pokémon and I wish I could join them too. Eventually, my English did improve, but as I got better speaking English, I started to lose interest in Chinese. I had forgotten about the book I wanted to read to my mom. During those early elementary school days, my parents were also very busy, and because they didn’t have time to play with me, I slowly drifted away from them. There was a lot of pressure from both sides, for example, my parents were very strict at home. All of my friends at school had a Nintendo DS, but my parents did not allow me to have one because they wanted me to focus on studying. Additionally, every day after class, there would always be fun events that many people went to. There was one that I really wanted to go because my friends would always go and tell me how fun it was, but I would always have piano lessons after school instead. I felt like my life was somewhat different from those who I grew up with in elementary school, and I felt it was really unfair that my friends and their parents get along so well together, but my parents couldn’t understand my way of thinking.
Unknowingly, I started to distance myself from my parents. I don’t know when it started, but every day after class during my high school years, I would run up to my room and shut myself in. I felt like there were a lot of things my parents could not understand, and that it was pointless trying to talk to them. Also, I wasn’t really able to talk to my cousins or grandparents anymore since I had stopped learning Chinese. It left like I was slowly drifting away from my family, and I couldn’t do anything to change it. Even in high school, my parents stayed very strict and I was not allowed to have a phone or laptop. Everyone at my high school kept in contact with facebook,and they all played games together, but I can't even participate in their conversation.
When summer came, we would all have a two month break in which I would ask my parents if we could go back and see my grandparents and the cousins I grew up with. However, since Vancouver is really far from Kunming, we were not able to go every year. One day, while I was volunteering in the summer, we came to a very nice park. Although there was no roller coaster in this park, or an exciting zoo, there was a beautiful grass field that always gave me a nostalgic feeling. I started to go there almost every day because it reminded me more and more of the park in Kunming. However, as the summer weather got hotter, the grass all dried up. Vancouver doesn’t rain much during the summer, and I could only sit there and watch the grass field turn yellow. There wasn’t anything I could do, except wait for the autumn rain to come. I felt like I was the grass, always waiting for that something to happen.
After I grew up, I realized that the grass field was never waiting for the rain. Sometimes, we don’t have a choice in life, and like the grass, they grow wherever the wind carries them. I used to always look to my childhood for comfort because I couldn’t really blend in with my new surroundings. I came to realize that since I am living here, yearning for my past childhood would only bring sadness. Although there were a lot of struggles, I will slowly adapt and overcome them. To me, being a Chinese-Canadian also comes with a feeling of loneliness. Caught between two cultures, it is hard feel like you are a part of either one. For me, I felt like I wasn’t really able to live the same life my friends did growing up, and my relationship with my parents might not be as close as it should be, considering how much they sacrificed.
From now on, I won’t be waiting for the autumn rain either.