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有机会教华裔班的中文课,老师觉得自己非常幸运。我从你们身上学习到了很多-你们教了我许多有趣的华裔年轻人的文化,例如:Subtle Asian Traits;教我怎么看懂Crazy Rich Asians这部电影;也教我马来西亚的华裔在过年的时候,要”捞鱼生”,而且一定要紧紧地把鱼夹住(因为鱼比较贵!)。更重要的是,你们所有在中西方的生命经历与寻找认同的故事(香蕉人、玉米人、芒果人、Third Culture Kids….),都在在令我惊叹与感动。


也谢谢你们给予彼此的支持,你们总是愿意在隔壁同学答不出老师的问题时, “自以为很小声”地提供答案,也从不吝于在你的朋友有精彩表现的时候,主动地给予他们掌声。谢谢你们从彼此的身上,学习分享,学习成为一个更好的朋友,学习作为一个非主流文化中的少数族裔,肯定自己,与此同时,也能感同深受地理解与尊重比我们更非主流的族裔。


你们在这一片土地上的成长, 并不如一般人想象的容易,但是我看到了你们是这么认真地为了未来而努力。






​Dear Students:


For all of you on our journey through this school year, thank you.


It was a privilege to be able to teach the Heritage Chinese class, and I feel extremely grateful that I did. There was so much Laoshi learned from you that I would’ve never known - you all taught me many interesting aspects of the Western Asian culture, introducing me to groups like Subtle Asian Traits; teaching me how to understand the movie “Crazy Rich Asians” from your perspectives; and I also learned that in Malaysia during lunar new year, it is a tradition to ”LaoYuSheng” (prosperity toss), and it’s really important to hold the fish tightly (They’re expensive!). More importantly, your stories of searching for your identity and the longing to fit in (Banana person, corn person, mango person, Third Culture Kids….) make me both surprised and touched at the same time.


Laoshi also wants to thank you for all the support you've given each other, little actions like “whispering” to your neighbours the answer when they’re stuck, and giving each other a hearty round of applause after their dazzling performance is always heartening to see. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and learning from each other, learning to be better friends, learning to affirm your identity as part of a minority culture, and at the same time, not only respecting but also understanding the cultures that are even less prevalent than ours.


Growing up in such a foreign land is filled with hardships that many does not understand, but I saw the effort that you all put in for a brighter future. You are as if the flowers in Vancouver at dawn of this spring, about to blossom into the warmth of a new season.


Wang Laoshi


CHIN 243 INSTRUCTOR:  Hsiang-ning Sunnie Wang


Ph.D., International and Comparative Education, Indiana University
M.A., Chinese Language Pedagogy, Indiana University
M.A., Educational Psychology, Indiana University​


CHIN 243 TA: Qijiang Zhao
Undergraduate Student, Economics, the University of British Columbia


屏幕快照 2019-03-28 下午6.08.28.png

CHIN 243 TA: Yudan Wang
Undergraduate Student, Psychology, the University of British Columbia


CHIN 243 Volunteer:Jing Yu

Undergraduate Student, Economics , the University of British Columbia


CHIN 243 Volunteer:Ruoyan Chen

Undergraduate Student, Arts , the University of British Columbia



CHIN 243 Volunteer:Jiahan Guo

Undergraduate Student, Psychology, the University of British Columbia



CHIN 243 Volunteer:Tianqi Zhao

Undergraduate Student, International Relations(undeclared), the University of British Columbia

“ I’m truly grateful to have met some of you throughout this semester. From my time spent with the students that I had the opportunity to help, I can say everyone worked diligently and have improved in many ways. I’m very excited for your hard work to be recognized and displayed at the exhibition on Friday! "


CHIN 243 Volunteer:Ivan Song

Undergraduate Student, Cognitive System, the University of British Columbia

”Thank you all for your hard work and for sharing, you guys all did an amazing job and it was a pleasure working alongside you!"

CHIN 243 Volunteer: Ethan Kuang

Undergraduate Student, Arts, the University of British Columbia

"Objects are valued because of their rarity."

©2019 by Department of Asian studies at UBC

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